ICT Capital




ICT Capital, founded in 2013, is an investment company focused on public markets. Specializing in global equity and debt capital markets, our team of investment professionals brings extensive expertise in industry analysis and portfolio management, enabling us to achieve exceptional returns for our investors. With research teams based in the UK, Switzerland, and Cyprus, ICT Cap maintains a robust presence across diverse markets, facilitating thorough research and informed investment strategies.


Investment Philosophy:


At ICT Capital, we prioritize flexibility over rigid rules, allowing us to adapt swiftly to changing market dynamics and seize emerging opportunities. Our investment philosophy revolves around identifying and leveraging alpha opportunities across diverse economic sectors and asset classes, regardless of prevailing market conditions, with the aim of delivering consistent absolute returns over time. We are dedicated to leveraging our deep industry knowledge and investment expertise alongside sophisticated trading strategies. Furthermore, we recognize the pivotal role of robust risk management in achieving sustained investment success.


ICT Capital

Arch. Makariou III 155, PROTEAS HOUSE, 1st floor, Flat/Office 102, 3026, Limassol, Cyprus

+357 25246731 info@ict-cap.com